Thursday, March 5, 2009

These boots are made for walking?

So I bought these super cute red slouchy "cowgirl" boots. (a cowgirl I am NOT...but I do love cute shoes) Anyway they smell soooooo bad! My poor coworkers are having to smell my stinky shoes in this tiny office. Leather is more expensive so I opted for the "man made" material...I am on a budget after all. The heat from my feet is making the smell even stronger! HAHAA!!! A big price to pay for great shoes? I'll have to think about that as my nose recovers.

These boots are definately made for walking...OUTSIDE IN THE OPEN AIR!!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


So I'm stressed from work and school and work and school and work and get the picture right? I went to the doctor on Friday and guess what?
My blood pressure was 145/90.
So I can go on meds which I hate the thought of or I can reduce the stress in my life.
I'm going to take the "reducing stress in my life" route.
First step...Quit my job!


I went to Hell-Mart last night after work for some packing tape and noticed that every single employee had CRAZY JACKED UP hair! If that wasn't bad enough...most of the people shopping there did too.
Now some people can't afford to go and spend the money on getting their hair done...but they can brush it or use some damn know the soapy stuff that suds up and cleans the nasty grease and grime. But its not just just the ratted and dirty hair...what about the horrific haircuts? And the lack of haircuts...OMG!!! Just because its long doesn't mean its beautiful!!! If you don't get a "trim" regularly you'll have frizzy stringy splint end hair.
Okay I'm done.
*one more thing...there are some folks that do go and get their hair done and still have bad hair. one of my coworkers got a "trim" and perm this past she looks like she belongs on the Dutch Boy paint can! HA HAA!!!...bad hairdressers are out careful